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Experts say child-focused parenting — parents fully centering schedules around kids — causes burnout in parents and a lack of resilience in children.
Like gentle parenting, it can lead to burnout and worse-behaved kids. Taking kids out of child-centric activities builds their resilience and happiness.That process really kicked into gear as she got older, when her daughter started developing interests and friendships. As her world opened up, so too did Doucleff's options for parenting. Until her daughter was five, Doucleff dutifully carted her child to activities around San Francisco.You may have heard of gentle parenting, which teaches parents to communicate calmly with their screaming toddlers. Child-focused parenting takes it a step further, ensuring the child's entire world is engaging, whether on an educational excursion or structured play session.It's hard to know exactly what caused the rise in intensive parenting. One theory is that college admissions became more competitive in the mid-90s, creating a culture centered on children's individual success. Suddenly, parents' and kids' lives revolved around education and extracurriculars to maximize their chances of Ivy admission.
Discover our range of parenting blogs to support your child's development. Blogs designed for parents, led by research.
The Child and Family Blog reports on the latest research on how families influence child development. This overview highlights some of the key themes in this field of knowledge. The blog overview looks at parenting as a team around children (“coparenting”) and how it operates in the infinite variety of families across the world.It looks not just at parents’ and carers’ relationship with children, but at their relationships with each other (the “community of care”). It looks at how children can benefit from multiple and different experiences of parental care. It considers the historical origins of the term, “primary carer”. Key influences on how parents care for children are considered – separation and divorce, poverty and stress.It used to be thought that the genes children receive from their parents were completely separate from the experiences that shape their development. But the study of epigenetics has shown that our experiences affect our genes and these changes are inheritable.For example, if parents—either mothers or fathers—have experienced trauma in their lives, their children are more likely to be susceptible to anxiety. Our experiences produce proteins that attach to our genes and influence how the genes work. These changes may be passed down to generations.
Whether you're a parent looking for better ways to discipline your kids or ideas to help them become more creative and well-rounded, here are the people on the internet who can help you.
When NYC residents Matt Schneider and Lance Somerfeld founded City Dads Group in 2008, society still needed to catch on to the idea of stay-at-home dads playing a significant role in their children’s lives. In the years since, their concept of meetups to support each other and share their parenting perspectives has expanded into other cities nationwide, along with a blog and podcast that speaks honestly about the challenges and misconceptions stay-at-home dads still face.The team behind The Artful Parent blog helps kids (and their parents) find the tools to unlock their creative side, from using straws to blow paint on a canvas to making an art museum visit fun for kids. · If your children aren’t adventurous at mealtime, you need to know about Occupational Therapist and Feeding Specialist Judy Delaware and Megan McNamee, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the duo who started Feeding Littles.Several months ago, my favorite parenting site, Fatherly, closed up shop, though its content still lives on. I’ve since moved on to its sister site, Scary Mommy. I love its tone and attitude. The site’s stories on whether Crocs are good for your child’s feet and how schools use apps to keep track of our kids are more relatable than anything Parents magazine puts on their site.While some of the people mentioned below are trying to sell parents something (everyone's got to make a living somehow, after all), most come from expert backgrounds, and all have a genuine desire to connect with parents. They, too, have experienced those moments where we’ve felt so low we’re not sure we should be raising kids. Here are 10 bloggers and influencers who have helped me become a better dad.
Parenting 101: 8 ways parents can foster confidence and communication in their kids to speak confidently, handle conflict and stand up for themselves.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Lakshmy Menon, Consultant Neonatologist and Pediatrician at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals in Bengaluru's Bellandur, shared, “Children learn speaking skills primarily from their peers, caregivers and role models, including parents and siblings.As a result, children grow up learning to repress their thoughts and feelings, leading to poor communication skills. They may become aggressive, disruptive, shy, or struggle to express themselves emotionally. According to experts, the best way to deal with all parent-children conflict is to keep all channels of communication open.Assertiveness is key to helping children speak and become empowered individuals. Aggressive voice: Shouting, using loud voices and many gestures to be heard. Passive voice: Avoiding eye contact, mumbling, or fidgeting. Assertive voice: Clear, calm voice, maintaining eye contact, and staying composed. Role models—parents and teachers—can demonstrate assertiveness and practice with children using role-playing.Role-playing can help teach children how to react in such situations. Some parents are always too busy for their children – hence, the children never think it is an appropriate time to speak to their parent.
A primer on parenting blog content creation, with 30 ideas to get you started.
Host experts and specialists Collaborate with parenting experts and specialists to provide authoritative insights and professional advice. Establish credibility and build trust by incorporating expert perspectives and voices into your content, offering your own applied insight and support where applicable. Interviews could be done via video on zoom or written on a Q&A style blog. 20. Perspectives and tips on child mental healthGuide parents through the progressive phases of child development with valuable information on key milestones, developmental stages, and age-appropriate firsts. ... Reflect on and examine the impacts of new and common tech on modern parenting, addressing concerns while highlighting healthy ways for kids to exist in the online world and positive possibilities for education. Share tips for keeping a healthy balance on questions of screen time and healthy developmental activities.Share your family magic with a DIY photo Guide parents in telling their own family story with a custom photo album by creating and sharing your own, documenting your family’s unique narrative through photos and giving a how-to as you build your own visual family story. 28. Planning family vacations Offer tips and advice for planning family vacations that cater to the unique needs and interests of children, ensuring a memorable experience for the whole family.Rediscovering you: making time for alone time Guide your audience in rediscovering personal space with your own insights and strategies for finding the time, offering practical advice on creating moments of solitude and self care amid the demands of parenthood. 30. Reflecting on the journey Offer tips and advice for planning family vacations that cater to the unique needs and interests of children, ensuring a memorable experience for the whole family — including the parents.
The number of children admitted to hospital for food reactions tripled in 20 years. Scientists are advocating changes to how we bring up baby
Gideon Lack, professor of paediatric allergy at King’s College London, believes part of the puzzle is the “perfect storm” of changes in the way we bring up children, linked to increased washing and a delay in introducing solid food to babies. • Food allergies: what to do if someone has an anaphylactic reaction · The push to tackle falling breastfeeding rates has meant parents are told to delay giving solid food to babies until they are six months, he said.Mothers and fathers used to be told not to give peanuts or eggs to children until they were at least one, or three if they had a family history of allergies. That guidance was scrapped in 2009, and the NHS now advises parents to introduce eggs, nuts, gluten, fish and other allergens one at a time from the age of six months.Haahtela led Finland’s national programme to tackle the allergy epidemic, in which 23,000 healthcare professionals were trained to encourage parents to introduce solid food from four months while still breastfeeding, use antibiotics with care, spend more time outdoors, even in the winter months when many urban populations were cooped up inside, and promote regular exercise. After just ten years the programme was already having an effect: child emergency hospital visits for allergies across Finland dropped 53 per cent; days spent in hospital beds because of asthma fell by half, as did special food allergy diets among children in schools and nurseries.More mundane trends may also explain the rise in allergies. Adam Fox, professor in paediatric allergy at King’s College London, stressed that awareness of allergies is rising, so parents are more likely to take their children to hospital if they display symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Here is the ultimate list of family guest blogs that are accepting guest posts. Also, parenting blog tips on how to get your link pubished.
is this parenting guest blogging sites list useful? Share your feedback in the comments. I research and made this ultimate blog list and I update this guest posting list from time to time. ... You can support me to keep this guest posting list unique and useful. Please let me know good sites accepting guest contributions in the comments section below or contact me. ... I'm a blogger. I help you succeed online. I write actionable tips & tricks, product reviews, SEO resources & tools.Guest Blogging is one of the trending link-building techniques that everyone is using right now. Guest Posting is the most important aspect of SEO and link building. To make your work easier, I am sharing my researched parenting guest blogging sites that accept guest posts and provide high-quality backlinks.If you run a parenting blog or site that sells products related to mommy and kids. Then you might be looking for family sites that accept guest posts.Here is my step-by-step process in easy bullets. These are some essential things you should consider before outreaching a parenting blog.
Expanding your family from one child to two can be just as terrifying as becoming a father. Don’t get me wrong, while the idea of adding another member of the family fills your heart with joy, the reality of caring for two little ones simultaneously can cause sleepless nights. And considering that sleepless nights are … ... Let’s face it: fatherhood is an adventure you never truly feel prepared for, no matter how many parenting ...
Expanding your family from one child to two can be just as terrifying as becoming a father. Don’t get me wrong, while the idea of adding another member of the family fills your heart with joy, the reality of caring for two little ones simultaneously can cause sleepless nights. And considering that sleepless nights are … ... Let’s face it: fatherhood is an adventure you never truly feel prepared for, no matter how many parenting books you skim through (or skillfully avoid).Getting the kids to do their homework is a struggle as old as time itself, or at least as old as formal education. If you’re a parent, you’ve likely experienced the nightly tug-of-war between your child’s desire to do anything but homework and your need to ensure they’re keeping up with their studies.Ah, the magic of becoming a new parent. One minute you’re marvelling at your little bundle of joy, and the next, you’re a sleep-deprived zombie desperately searching for ways to get your baby to drift off to dreamland. For more than 30 minutes at a time, preferably.Emotions often run high, and managing expectations can feel overwhelming, particularly if you’re getting the extended family together for Christmas. However, with thoughtful planning and a focus on children’s well-being, it’s possible to create a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season for …
As a mom (and child development writer), I read a lot of parenting blogs. These are some of the best parenting blogs to help you learn.
These parenting blogs offer thought-provoking articles and useful hands-on tips. As a bonus, many are also based on research, which I always appreciate. Nuture and Thrive: research-based positive parenting ideas from a developmental psychologist. You can’t beat that. Great, thoughtful parenting blog articles. Parents with Confidence: need help fostering emotional intelligence or a growth mindset in your children?Parenting from the Heart: this remains one of my go-to blogs for research-based positive parenting tips. The writing is very approachable with a lot of real-world examples. Not Just Cute: Amanda is a scholar after my own heart–trying to bring research into the lives of the people who really need it. I even love the name of her blog. She says childhood is not just cute, it is powerful and priceless.A blog that makes child development approachable. ... Sneak peek: As a child development writer (and mom!), I read a lot of parenting blogs.However, most of the best parenting blogs I’ve seen also know that parenting cannot really be equated to a job · , either. It is a relationship, as unique and special as your relationship with your spouse or best friend. As with any long-term relationship, it can have its ups and downs. Add to that the fact that children are still developing their social-emotional skills which makes the relationship trick at times.
Diary of the Dad chronicles the daily adventures of a father navigating parenthood, humorously capturing the triumphs and challenges of raising three children. Written with wit and honesty, the blog explores various facets of family life, from parenting tips and funny anecdotes to product reviews ...
Diary of the Dad chronicles the daily adventures of a father navigating parenthood, humorously capturing the triumphs and challenges of raising three children. Written with wit and honesty, the blog explores various facets of family life, from parenting tips and funny anecdotes to product reviews and personal reflections.It is a relatable and entertaining read for parents seeking camaraderie and reassurance in the unpredictable journey of raising children. Blog diaryofthedad.co.uk Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 9.1KInstagram Followers 2K Frequency 1 post / week Since Sep 2010 Domain Authority 37 Get Email Contact · My Little Moppet offers health and nutrition advice for young children. It features kid-friendly recipes, feeding tips, and health guides, with a focus on Indian cuisine and traditions.100 Best Parenting Blogs ⋅ 1. Scary Mommy ⋅ 2. Rookie Moms ⋅ 3. Janet Lansbury ⋅ 4. Positive Parenting Solutions | Gentle Parenting Advice ⋅ 5. Honest Mum ⋅ 6. 24/7 Moms ⋅ 7. Savvy Sassy MomsThe blog provides evidence-based advice on a wide range of parenting challenges, from discipline techniques to building strong parent-child relationships. It empowers parents to create a respectful and harmonious home environment through clear guidance and practical solutions. Blog positiveparentingsolutions.com Facebook Followers 1.8MTwitter Followers 11.9K Frequency 2 posts / year Domain Authority 58 Get Email Contact · Honest Mum blends personal stories with lifestyle and parenting advice. It offers a candid look at the ups and downs of motherhood, alongside tips on family life, career, and self-care.
Life as a new mom is extremely rewarding, but challenging. There are many changes a new mom experiences, physically and mentally, while adjusting to life with a newborn. A mom expert offers tips.
When a baby is brought into the world, routines get shifted, priorities change. Advice coming from every which way can become overwhelming. A mom expert offers tips for new moms.Keeley and her husband are parents to seven children of their own.Virginia-based parenting expert Hannah Keeley spoke with Fox News Digital about the importance of moms setting healthy boundaries with loved ones and feeling empowered to create their own new mom experience.Hannah Keeley, a Virginia-based parenting expert, master board-certified life coach, and mom of seven, spoke with Fox News Digital about advice for new moms during the first few months with their baby.
I wanted to raise my daughter differently to how I was raised. But gentle parenting didn't work since she's neurodivergent. Now I'm authoritative.
I followed gentle parenting influencers when she was little and having regular meltdowns. · I realized that techniques that work for neurotypical kids don't work with my neurodivergent child.From personal experience, fear-based, punitive parenting does not lead to healthy adults who can manage their emotions well. That's why respectful and empathic gentle parenting that acknowledged a child's feelings had a real appeal to me.Early in my daughter's life, I started following gentle parenting influencers. This included Big Little Feelings, which debuted on Instagram just as we were entering the difficult toddler years. Although I had years of experience working with children, my daughter's meltdowns felt overwhelming and unmanageable.Becky admitted that the behavioral techniques she discussed in the book weren't effective with neurodivergent children. Eight hours wasted (and many bops from a dysregulated, angry child) on a book that wasn't even written for her. I was pissed. After several years of trying to gentle parent in the style of influencers like Big Little Feelings and Dr.
Parenting is hard. Period. There is no easy road. No one perfect way to parent. These tip parenting blogs make parenting just a tad easier and a lot more fun.
She recently became a SAHM and full-time blogger and has an amazing blended family that she gets to write stories about. I love reading her stories of parenting, mothering and even her adventurous and off the cuff ideas for vacationing for free. From tips for dealing with a anxious child to helping a child feel more confident, Kelly has the perfect way of giving tips while sharing her wit and humor.If patience is an issue for you, Allison shares some wonderful tips on how to be a more patient mom. I can always count on Becky at Your Modern Family to provide a thought provoking parenting topic in a way that makes me want to read more and learn about both sides of the topic. She has the amazing ability to draw you in to her posts and then keep you there once you get there. Becky’s most popular posts include posts about bedtime for babies and children and bedtime for adults.Yet, it seems everywhere you turn there is another “expert” telling you what you should and should not do with your children and they ALWAYS conflict. So who are you supposed to turn to when you need to not feel so alone? Where should you look for real parenting advice and stories? I have gathered up 25 of my favorite parenting blogs that I have grown to love and adore over the last year and I think you will love them too!Amanda is an amazing mom was a Mental Health Counselor who worked with children and mothers in both individual and group counseling environments before becoming a Stay at Home Mom to two boys. She was the very first blogger I ever reached out to and she is the reason I am blogging today. When I first “met” Amanda, she ran a series called the “Sunday Parenting Party“. Every sunday, bloggers around the web would link up their most recent parenting posts.
Discover the Top 20 UK Parenting Blogs of 2024, including Mum In The Madhouse, In The Playroom, Babes About Town, Honest Mum and more...
In addition to the joys of parenting teenagers’. ... And sticking in at the second spot for 2024 is In The Playroom, where Anna and Luciana have been blogging about kids activities, life, fashion, health, and relationships since its launch in 2012. With five children between them, these bloggers know their subject well, and share their experience and know-how to ‘inspire creativity in your home and family’. Now the site, its subjects, and the blogger’s own families, have grown, the two now also publish posts from a host of contributors, too.Now with a following of loyal readers, the blog is a place for this blogger to ‘share family life as well as my passion for family, food, fashion, travel and beauty’. To read now: recipes for warming winter soups; how to talk about the topic of where babies come from with your kids; and ways to save on childcare costs. ... Moving up a spot from last year’s number 6 is DIY Daddy, who is here to cover the ‘trials and tribulations’ of parenting – including setting up the home for the potential wear and tear that comes with raising kids.It’s not all about the practicalities of the physical home, however – this blog also tackles the other important family stuff that can arise. Recent blogs cover how to handle the effects of money worries as a single parent; whether or not you should game with your kids; and driving safety tips for dads out on the road.Last updated 27/11/2024. Vuelio uses a proprietary algorithm to create these rankings, based on topic-related content in blogs on its system – you can read more about the process here. Our research team actively seeks out new blogs and bloggers for inclusion, but if you think we’ve missed someone, please get in touch to let us know. ... Still number 1 in our ranking of top UK parenting bloggers is Jen Walshaw, AKA Mum In The Madhouse.
It entails parenting, relationships, education, lifestyle, and travel advice for single dads. Some high-quality posts on the blog include How To Raise A Resilient Child, Fun Father-Daughter Bonding Activities, and Tips For Successful Camping With Kids.
As the name implies, Fatherly is a dedicated blog for dads. It targets millennial and Gen Z audiences. You will find tips and tricks on parenting, baby names, kids’ entertainment, dad jokes, kids’ education, children’s health, how to support mothers, and more.She has a mixed heritage background, a Nigerian husband, and is a mother of three interracial children. Therefore, her content resonates with readers because she has experience both living as a mixed-race person and raising a multiracial family. The blog’s resources section also deserves high praise. It has a wealth of posts, guides, book reviews, and interviews such as Biracial Boy Hair Care Tips, How To Ensure Your Dual Heritage Kids Feel Good About Themselves, and Diversity In The Classroom. The best parenting blogs base their advice on science.The blog’s editorial team of top parenting and health experts meticulously checks and vets each article before publication. Some topics you will enjoy on the Parents Magazine blog are: Mom health tips during pregnancy. Preparing for childbirth.It entails parenting, relationships, education, lifestyle, and travel advice for single dads. Some high-quality posts on the blog include How To Raise A Resilient Child, Fun Father-Daughter Bonding Activities, and Tips For Successful Camping With Kids.
My Wife Insists on Controlling Every Parenting Decision. She’s Forcing Me to Be a Deadbeat Dad. I expect you are also feeling a little of the weight of your child reaching adulthood and the end of the active-parenting part of your life. You’ve put in decades of work, yet if she’s anything ...
My Wife Insists on Controlling Every Parenting Decision. She’s Forcing Me to Be a Deadbeat Dad. I expect you are also feeling a little of the weight of your child reaching adulthood and the end of the active-parenting part of your life. You’ve put in decades of work, yet if she’s anything like most just-launched adults, she’s 10 or 20 years away, at least, from expressing any gratitude for all you’ve done.Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding?Perhaps you’re feeling sore because your daughter’s time on your health insurance has a legally mandated end—her 26th birthday—whereas without federal legislation, she could theoretically remain on your Netflix account until you die. (I joke, but I know plenty of thirtysomethings still utilizing their parents’ streaming accounts.)I'm not sure why this bothers me so much.
As a mom (and child development writer), I read a lot of parenting blogs. These are some of the best parenting blogs to help you learn.
These parenting blogs offer thought-provoking articles and useful hands-on tips. As a bonus, many are also based on research, which I always appreciate. Nuture and Thrive: research-based positive parenting ideas from a developmental psychologist. You can’t beat that. Great, thoughtful parenting blog articles. Parents with Confidence: need help fostering emotional intelligence or a growth mindset in your children?Parenting from the Heart: this remains one of my go-to blogs for research-based positive parenting tips. The writing is very approachable with a lot of real-world examples. Not Just Cute: Amanda is a scholar after my own heart–trying to bring research into the lives of the people who really need it. I even love the name of her blog. She says childhood is not just cute, it is powerful and priceless.A blog that makes child development approachable. ... Sneak peek: As a child development writer (and mom!), I read a lot of parenting blogs.However, most of the best parenting blogs I’ve seen also know that parenting cannot really be equated to a job · , either. It is a relationship, as unique and special as your relationship with your spouse or best friend. As with any long-term relationship, it can have its ups and downs. Add to that the fact that children are still developing their social-emotional skills which makes the relationship trick at times.
The popular children's YouTube star, 41, detailed some of the simple things that moms and dads can do early on with their babies to teach them about language.
Ms. Rachel @LoveMsRachel joins Hoda and Jenna to talk about her new children's book “Ms. Rachel and the Special Surprise,” her natural ability to connect with kids, experiencing imposter syndrome and shares some language development tips for parents.Her videos consist of her singing a combination of covers and original children's songs that help youngsters with their pronunciation and language skills. '[My son's] first word was at two years and eight months and it was "mama" and I had waited for that for so long,' she previously told Today. 'As a parent you want to do anything you can to help them, and it's not our fault when our child has a speech delay.She also told hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager that parents should 'read daily with their little ones,' adding that it's important that kids can see your face when doing so · According to Social Blade, her catchy tunes have earned her a pretty penny, as the site estimated that she makes up to $15.7 million a year. The mom-of-one - who recently released her first children's book - previously spoke to People about the difficulties of managing her booming career with parenthood.Ryan Reynolds says parents today are 'so soft' in comparison to when he was growing up as he opens up about his and wife Blake Lively's parenting style · Bella Hadid cuts a stylish figure in a brown trench coat as she heads to a Valentino fitting ahead of Paris Fashion Week · Cardi B spends quality time with Kulture and Wave on a shopping spree after welcoming new baby · Mariah Carey totes $89K Birkin bag to dinner with her children in Rio de Janeiro ahead of her headlining set at Rock in Rio Festival
Parents struggle on whether they should or should not read their child's diary because there's a lot of info that can be found. But is it a good idea?
A diary is an important place for a child to store their innermost thoughts and feelings. Unlike a personal blog or an Instagram story, a journal is meant to be kept private. Some parents may feel the need to read this diary, while others consider it off-limits.The mom who thinks she is growing closer to their child by reading the diary may very well be creating an even bigger divide. I have some personal experience with this as well. When I was growing up, my friends and I had “decoy” diaries that had mundane details about our days. My decoy diary was where I wrote about crushes, teachers, homework, and frustrations with friends. My real diary is where I wrote about those things that my parents were actually worried about.Show your children that you trust them, and they can trust you by letting them have the privacy they are owed. Final Point Even if you don’t care about the “misuse of parental power,” make sure you read the points I mentioned above because there are some benefits to you for not reading their diary.Have you considered reading your child’s diary? Tell us your opinions in the comments. ... Parents do have the right to read their child’s personal diaries, but they shouldn’t.
Parenting advice on children’s privacy, holidays, and guardianship.
Creating an environment that encourages one’s child to confide their worries (and share their joys) and that allows children to feel certain they can trust their parents and lean on them when they need to doesn’t happen overnight. But I 100 percent guarantee that reading a kid’s private diary entries is not the way to do it.Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. ... Should I read my daughter’s diary? Before you say “absolutely not!” here’s a longer version, with context, of my question.But every night, she writes in her diary. And while I don’t have any specific concerns other than the general anxiety that comes with parenting a fifth grade girl in today’s world, I think that if I read her diary, I’d get a sense of what is going on and would able to be a more supportive and responsive parent.I have thought through what I would do if I discovered something concerning in her diary, and I feel confident it would be fine. I know that breaking her trust is a terrible thing to do, but at the same time parenting a preteen is SO HARD because of limited information, and she’s at such a vulnerable age for social and internal stress to develop that I am finding it very difficult to resist.